Our Services



Prevention starts with a discussion about your sports background, current sports participation, and training history. We are very knowledgeable in many team and individual sports but we also have advanced anatomy and biomechanics knowledge to perform movement analysis on the demands of any and every sport out there. Prevention programs will begin with a baseline assessment of range of motion, flexibility, strength, and motor control for sport-specific movements. Video analysis of your mechanics will be completed if available or they may be done on site depending on the demands of the sport. Individual and group programs will be developed to prepare each athlete for the demands of the sport to reduce injury risk and keep you in the game.

Contact us for pricing for baseline assessments and injury prevention sessions for your athlete or team. Athletes may participate in individual or group sessions. There are discounted rates if you purchase bundled packages.

Physical Therapy


Physical Therapy starts with an initial evaluation session that includes a discussion about patient history and the specifics of the injury or pain complaint with tests and measures completed to determine all relevant impairments and movement dysfunctions. Subsequent visits are one hour, one-one-one sessions and are scheduled based on need, with some cases requiring hands-on with frequent visits and others requiring check-ins with guidance on self-management strategies. These sessions are with a licensed, board-certified physical therapist and include education on your condition, manual therapy, exercise prescription and use of the latest rehabilitative and recovery technology. Home and gym programs will be provided to help you meet your goals efficiently and to stay healthy beyond completion of care. Individualized planning for progressions to the program take you from square one all the way back to whatever your goals may be. You will have access to communicate with the PT throughout the plan of care in case questions come up between visits.

Contact us for pricing for initial evaluations and treatment sessions. There are discounted rates if you purchase bundled packages.

Performance Training


Performance training includes a baseline testing session to gather data on the athlete’s initial level of strength, flexibility, speed and performance. Subsequent sessions will be set up to target any deficits and to focus on the athlete’s goals to improve their performance in sport. Sessions may be tailored to sport-specific skills, strength, cardio and endurance, plyometrics, speed and/or agility pending baseline assessments, athlete/parent planning, timing within the season and within the week based on games/practices/team lifts.

Contact us for pricing for baseline assessments and training sessions. Athletes may participate in individual or group sessions. There are discounted rates if you purchase bundled packages.

Annual Sports PT Exam


You get a sports physical from your primary care doctor yearly to be able to participate in school sports, but that doesn’t include a comprehensive look at the muscles and joints. That is where our Sports PT Physical Exam gives you a better picture of your body and where deficiencies lie that could increase the risk of overuse injuries. Physical Therapists are musculoskeletal and movement specialists by training and at The Healthy Athlete Physical Therapy and Performance Training your clinicians have advanced training in Orthopedics.

Already have your own training coach? No problem. This exam is still great for you. The results can be taken straight to them to help them adjust your program appropriately.

Not local to Huntington Beach, CA? We offer exams before and after sporting events where athletes come in from out of town. There is also a virtual option that is completed via video call.

Ready to schedule your Annual Sports PT Exam and reduce your risk of injury while getting the information to improve your game?

In-Person Exam includes: Full body muscular strength testing using a dynamometer, range of motion (ROM) testing, muscular flexibility testing, joint mobility testing (when joint ROM detected), functional/sport specific testing for movement analysis.

Virtual Exam includes: Functional muscular strength and endurance testing, range of motion (ROM) testing, muscular flexibility testing, functional/sport specific testing for movement analysis.

Results are provided in comprehensive handout with recommendations to reduce risk of injury. The results will help to direct and individual strength and mobility program for you. The Healthy Athlete Physical Therapy and Performance Training clinicians can write a program for you to perform independently or you can work 1:1 with them virtually or in-person (Huntington Beach, CA) to take you to the top of your game while reducing your risk for overuse injuries associated with single sport training all year long.